Friday, October 31, 2008

Slight Facelift

Hey everyone

I've given the blog a slight facelift, I coded a 3rd column into the side. Please let me know what you think, Im on a widescreen monitor so Im hoping it is ok for a standard screen.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Featured Seller: Giggling Goldfish

Todays Featured Seller is Giggling Goldfish. They can be found at

Tell me a little about yourself, your store and what you sell.

I am now a SAHM with two beautiful daughters and a 16 month old adorable little boy.
My goal is to make those fun little treasures that will be played with and held onto forever for both boys and girls. I love to create fun but useful items that will kids will have a blast playing with and can learn from as well. We just won’t tell them that.

How long have you been making the craft/art that you sell? What started your interest in it? How did you learn?

I come from a family of artists and have been creating ever since I can remember. I have been creating and selling many different items for pretty much half of my life and couldn't imagine having it any other way. Although I have taken classes and courses here and there, I am pretty much self taught, but do like to read up on new techniques whenever I can.

What made you decide to turn your art/craft into a business? What support or inspiration have you had along the way?

I think I was hooked when I started selling lemonade on our street corner when I was growing up. I love to mingle with people and there isn’t much greater than selling something that people really like! Growing up my family had woodworking shops, antiques shops, and used to sell their items all over so there has always been a lot of support from all of my family. As for inspiration… my kids inspire me tremendously! My daughter and my son bring so much color and life into the things I create.

Do you have any other hobbies / interests?

I love music, reading, love to be outdoors and really enjoy reconstructing little things I find into useful pieces. I am interested in probably too much…it is hard sometimes to stay focused because there are too many new things that I want to learn.

How long have you been selling on Etsy? Do you sell full or part time?

I have been selling on Etsy since December 2007. I am now starting to sell on a full-time basis.

Do you sell outside of Etsy? If so where?

I sell here locally, as well as Handmade Fuzion, Lollishops, ICraft, and will be continuing to look for other avenues.

What is your favourite way to promote your Etsy store?

My favorite way to promote Etsy is in person. I am either wearing something I created or one or both of my kids are either wearing or using something I created. It is a nice way to get to go into detail about Etsy and about the items I create.

Do you have a blog? If so what is your blog address, and what do you feature / write about?

I do not have a blog at the moment, but do have two awesome designers that are designing our website right now that will include a blog page.

Where do you hope to see your business / Etsy store in the future?

Happily continuing on my creative journey…selling in hopefully my own B &M, and having my items treasured by many many kids.

If you would like to be a featured seller on Everything Etsy please email us at


Friday, October 24, 2008

Fun Friday Finds

Well, it snowed here for the first time this week. So in "celebration", I decided to dedicate this weeks mini treasury to snowmen.

First up we have these adorable baby snowman ornaments from Crafts for fun. Made from glass, with a "baby's first Christmas ribbon, and a baby bottle brad, left blank so you can write in the year, your little ones name, whatever you like.

Next are these snowman earring from Boutique by Bonnie.
They are made from Clay dough.

Check out these snow friends from

Last we have these cute little snowman thank you cards from Snowy652's crafty corner of the web. They're the perfect way to say thank you for a seasonal gift or party.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Featured Seller: Chicken Scratch

Todays featured Seller is Chicken Scratch. Chicken Scratch offers a variety of soy massage candles. They can be found at

Tell me a little about yourself, your store and what you sell.

My name's Beth Merriman & I'm the owner of Chicken Scratch. I know it's an odd name for a shop - a while back, a prospective customer asked me what the name of my shop was (which I hadn't actually listed on etsy yet) and that was the first thing that came to mind. My grandfather always called my sister and I "chickie" when we were little; and I needed to make some scratch (cash) quickly. Plus, of course, my candles are made from scratch. I listed my shop on Etsy the next day.

I'm 30-something, single, living in San Diego, CA with a cat and a roomie. The roomie works days, and I work nights, so my craftiness
doesn't infringe (much) on her life. She's been a good promoter, handing out business cards and talking me up whenever she can. I work in backstage theatre as a dresser - some of my best customers are the actors and crew, who are always looking for opening night presents or something to send home to their loved ones.

Massage candles burn like beeswax candles, but the melted wax can be used as massage oil. They make great little gifts, and you can pop them into your suitcase and really spoil yourself on vacation. And, of course, if your romantic partner needs a hint, you can leave one on their pillow and see what happens next! My candles are vegan, meaning no animal products are used. The soy wax melts at a lower temperature than beeswax, so it won't burn you, and the shea butter just melts into your skin. I'm always trying out new scents, and I'm open to customer requests.

How long have you been making the craft/art that you sell? What started your interest in it? How did you learn?

About 6 months. I started selling to friends, and some asked about shipping and Christmas presents, so I thought etsy might be easier to handle all the orders.

My sister's a masseuse, and while she doesn't use oil in her practice, I thought this was a niche that not many other people had tapped. And I use them myself - I've always had aches and pains, and sometimes dress rehearsals go on for 12, 14 hours. At night, there's nothing like a candle by the bath and a nice leg massage afterwards.

I taught myself - I've always been very crafty, and my childhood memories are smeared with Elmer's glue and construction paper. Candle making is also a lot like cooking, which I also love, but there are no dangerous calories involved. I can make the house smell great and still fit into my jeans.

What made you decide to turn your art/craft into a business? What support or inspiration have you had along the way?

I gave my first massage candles as a gift. And then someone asked if I sold them. Then my sister wanted some. Suddenly there's hundreds of candles in my kitchen. My sister, Joan, has been a huge inspiration to me - she makes and sell her own eco-friendly laundry detergent, and sails the seven seas as much as she can. I love that she's never been tied to a 9-5 job, that she's got her priorities in order, and that she's as crazy as I am. She's also my go-to girl for herbal remedies.

Do you have any other hobbies / interests?

Crochet! I considered opening a crochet etsy store, but it's very time consuming, which makes real-world pricing very prohibitive. I'd never really get paid for my time. Candles are so much easier; I can make a small batch at night and list it the next morning.
I also very involved with live professional theatre and have costumed designed and assistant designed for a couple shows.

How long have you been selling on Etsy? Do you sell full or part time?

I've only been selling seriously for about a month. I do it part time. My theatre job has a very odd schedule, so I fill in the down time with my etsy store.

Do you sell outside of Etsy? If so where?

Not yet, but I've had several inquires from gift shops and massage therapists.

What is your favourite way to promote your Etsy store?

Facebook. My friends and family are the first to know about my products, and they're quick to spread the word.

Do you have a blog? If so what is your blog address, and what do you feature / write about?

No, I don't have a blog right now, since I just opened shop. Give me a couple months.

Where do you hope to see your business / Etsy store in the future?

I take it day by day - if eventually I can support myself primarily from Etsy, I'd be over the moon, but I don't think I could ever totally leave theatre. For now, I'm happy to supplement my income so I can travel more.

If you would like your Etsy store to be featured on Everything Etsy, send an email to


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sale at Greenfield Essentials

Greenfield Essentials is having a Bath Bomb Sale!! Buy 3 Bath Bombs, get 1 Free!! Just let me know what additional scent you would like in the comments when you place your order.

Also, I have lowered shipping rates on all of my items.


Promos for the week of October 19th

Here are the promo's for the week of October 19th! is having a sale on Bath Bombs! Buy 3 bathbombs, get one free. Shipping lowered on all items. This sale runs until October 25th! is running a free shipping weekend! Free shipping on all purchases of $3.00 or more. is having a BOGO sale! Buy one item, get 1 item for 30% off! Free shipping if you mention "Greenfield" This sale has no set end date. is running free shipping anywhere in the US. Free Button studs with every order. Also, be sure to check out the new lower prices on pendants.

If you would like your promo added, please email me at The promo thread will be updated every Sunday.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Featured Seller: Have it Confections

Today’s featured Etsy shop is Have it Confections. Their shop address is

Tell me a little about your store and what you sell.

My husband and I own an all natural candy company. We specialize in caramels. We have been on Etsy a very short while, only 6 weeks. We've been in business for four years though. My husband is a Pastry Chef and candy making is his passion.

How long have you been making the craft/art that you sell? What started your interest in it? How did you learn?

We have been in business for four years. We have traditionally done only Farmer's Markets, sold in small shops and grocery stores. My husband was on the fence about what to do with his life. He knew he loved food and candy in particular. He enrolled in The California School of Culinary Arts; it is part of Le Cordon Bleu (the French Culinary Academy) and decided that when he wasn't decorating cakes he'd make candy. We'll they were a huge hit and the rest is history.

What made you decide to turn your art/craft into a business? What support or inspiration have you had along the way?

Staying home with our daughter is our motivation. My husband spends considerable time at the kitchen, but it is considerably less than if he worked a regular job.

Do you have any other hobbies / interests?

We both love hiking and the outdoors. We take our daughter to pick up trash in the Angeles National Forest once a week. We're very passionate about helping the homeless and the environment. We both love movies, reading and art. Art is my passion specifically.

How long have you been selling on Etsy? Do you sell full or part time?

We've been on Etsy for six weeks. We do sell full time. Etsy is just one forum for us, but we love it. It is our only online selling venue right now.

Do you sell outside of Etsy?

Yes we do, in various spots. We're waiting to get into the Farmer's markets in LA. We just moved here a little less than two months ago so we are restarting our business from the ground up.

What is your favourite way to promote your Etsy store?

Sending out promos is my favourite.

Do you have a blog? If so what is your blog address, and what do you feature / write about?

I do, talk about life, mine and in general. I feature other sellers and blogs too. (Check out their free caramel contest running until October 31st)

Where do you hope to see your business / Etsy store in the future?

Frankly next year I want to have made our first million. That is what we're both shooting for.

Thank you Have it Confections for allowing me to feature you. If you would like to have your store features on Everything Etsy, send an email to


Friday, October 17, 2008

6 Common Mistakes Which Will Turn Buyers Away From Your Store

Everyone wants their Etsy store to be successful. Here are 6 common mistakes that sellers make, which can easily turn potential customers away.

1) Poor Photos

Customers want to be able to see what they are buying. Online, they are not able to see your item first hand or hold it, so it’s the pictures job to talk them into buying it.
You have several spots on your listing to post pictures, take advantage of them. Take pictures from various angles and distances. Zoom in on small details that potential customers may appreciate.

Try to avoid using flash in your photos, it can distort colours, cause glare, and give your item an overall “cheap” look. Shoot your photos in natural light whenever possible. Setup near a bright window, or take them outside. If all else fails, build or invest in a light box and some photo lamps. You can even build your own light box for next to nothing. Here is a tutorial that makes one with a cardboard box and Bristol board. Google “Build your own light box” for many more ideas.

Be aware of the background when photographing. Laying the item out on your couch or floor, showing a full view of your untidy kitchen behind the item or using a background that is too busy can really give people a bad impression. Also, if you are photographing something that is reflective, please make sure you are fully clothed :)

2) Brief Descriptions

Besides the photo, potential buyers also rely on the items descriptions when they are deciding if they should buy. It’s our job to make our descriptions well, as descriptive as possible.

Include all the details you feel people need to know about the item. Give them measurements, colour descriptions, scent descriptions. Tell them about the benefits of your item. What will it do for them? If you’ve used materials that you feel make your doodad better than all the other doodads on Etsy, let them know.

Most importantly have fun. Write a description that will keep the readers interested, tell a story about the item, and give it some personality and flare.

3) Total lack of Shop Policies

Customers like to buy with confidence and they like to know how the seller is going to handle the transaction, how the item will be shipped, when it will be shipped, what your return policy is, what payment methods you accept etc. All this information should be listed in your shops policy section. Be specific, give as much detail as possible, and stick to them. If you run into a difficult customer and you have a detailed policy section, you easily have something to fall back on if trouble arises. Also, if you do wholesale, consignment or custom orders let everyone know in the Additional Policy and FAQ section.

4) Spelling and Grammar Errors

Spelling Errors and Grammar Errors scream “UNPROFESSIONAL” at many people. Before you post your store announcement, your descriptions, your store policies, or send a convo, run everything through a spell check first. Have a friend or family member read things over, just to make sure you sound coherent.

5) High or Inflated Shipping

Nothing makes me run away faster finding a small item I love, then scrolling down and seeing it’s going to cost me more than $20.00 to ship. Yes shipping can be expensive, especially if you’re from Canada like me. But keeping your item cost low and making up for it by adding a little profit to your shipping can do you more harm than favour.

Try to estimate the shipping cost as accurately as possible. Work with different packing ideas to keep the shipping cost low. Contact the shipping companies and let them know that you are a business. Many offer business discounts and rates, added insurance benefits, free boxes etc.
If all else fails, in your policies offer to refund any shipping overages of a $1.00 or more.

6) Slow responses an lack of communication

Try to respond to your conversations and emails as quickly as possible. Buyers expect that if they send a seller a question, they will get a response later that day, or at least early the next. Check your accounts often, if answering a potential customers question is going to take some time to research, send them a quick note to let them know you are working on it. After you make the sale (yay!) send them a quick thank you note. Also, send them a note when their item is shipped giving the time of arrival, and the tracking number. Quick and consistent communication gives the buyer confidence in you, and hopefully will bring you a repeat customer as well.

Selling on Etsy can be challenging. There are many things that can make or break your shop. Taking the time to improve your photos and descriptions, to write clear detailed shop policies, to check and double check your spelling and grammar, to accurately estimate and lower your shipping costs and to provide your customer with quick clear communication can quickly help turn your viewers into your buyers and bring them back over and over again


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Is Selling on Etsy Right for Me?

Many artists and crafters have had great success on Etsy. Still others found that getting sales can be a struggle. So is selling on Etsy right for you?

The answer really depends. Before deciding to open up a shop and list your first item, here are some things you may want to consider.

1. What to sell???

In order to sell on Etsy, you have to have a product. Etsy allows you to sell handmade articles, vintage items and craft supplies. If you decide to create something to sell, it needs to be a craft that you not only have experience with, but love to make. Learning a new craft for the sole purpose of selling it on Etsy is a bad idea. Customers ordering from Etsy are expecting a high quality item. Sending them something you threw together not only looks bad on you, but could turn the customer off buying from Etsy all together.

2. How much time are you willing to spend on your store?

Being a successful Etsy seller is not a matter of snapping a quick picture of your work, listing it and watching it sell and fly out the door. Running a store is alot of work, and it requires time and commitment.
You will need to have the time to create a steady amount of product. People like to browse through stores with a variety of choices. Before opening you should have at least 10 - 20 items to list. Adding new product regularly will attract more visitors to your store and keep them coming back. You also need to be able to replace items as they sell. If you only have the time to create a few items every once in a while, you might wish to look at other venues.

Also, you need to set aside a fair amount of time promoting your store, participating in Etsy forums, answering conversations from customers, packaging your items and preparing
them for shipping.

3. How much are you willing to spend on your store?

Listing on Etsy is very inexpensive. The listing fee is $.20 USD. Etsy also keeps a percentage of all sales, and if your customers pay by paypal, they take a cut aswell. Your store address ( is free.

Some people also set aside an advertising budget. There are hundreds of free ways to advertise your store, but paying for adspace on blogs and other websites can be a quick way to get alot of vistors.

You also need to keep the cost of materials, packaging and shipping supplies in mind. These are all small business expenses that can add up.

In all, Etsy can be a great place to sell if your looking to turn your hobby into a business or if your looking to get more exposure for your existing craft business. It can be a great way to offer your customers the ability to purchase your items online. It's inexpensive and it's easier to setup then a standard website. If you already have a product to sell, you're willing to put time into running and promoting your store, and your willing to put out at least a few dollars for startup expenses, Etsy may just be the perfect solution for you.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Grand Opening - Greenfield Essentials

I would like to announce the Grand Opening of my new Etsy store, Greenfield Essentials.

Greenfield Essentials specializes in quality handmade soaps and bath and body items. At this time we are offering a line of about 10 scents of soaps and 11 scents Shea butter bath bombs. I look forward to adding new scents and products over the coming months.

I have been making soap and bath and body since 2004. I take great pride in my products. Please take the time to check out my store at

I also offer a full line of Soy Candles through my main website at

Welcome to Everything Etsy

Hello and Welcome.

I have created this blog as a place for both Etsy sellers, and Etsy buyers.

My goal is to offer helpful advice on creating, maintaining and promoting and Etsy store. I also plan on featuring Etsy sellers on the regular basis.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. I hope to see you back here often.
